Model and PH Exedra Resident
Complete Outfit created by Stiff - Madison Fullset @Tokyo Zero Event
Mega shotgun created by TREVOR x TANAKA - SANCTUM PUNISHER - This product is a collab between 2 different stores. TREVOR - MP and TANAKA STORE (Tokyo Zero Event). It is a cross-shaped rifle, with high definition textures, animated with poses and perfect in combat roleplay. Also available in the special edition with incredible animations and textures. AMAZING CREATION ♥
Skin by Leronso (Face & Body) - ELLA skin for Lelutka EVO X @mainstore
✔ Head by Lelutka Evox – Avalon
✔ Body by Ebody - Reborn
✔ For collaborations with the TSC staff, send IM to Exedra Resident