About us
Hi to everybody.
In the past few months we have been a big changes in our staff in. In fact, we were lucky enough to be able to add 3 more talented bloggers to our staff.
As you well know, I started this adventure alone in 2018 with a blog that dealt purely with land and landscape photographs on SL. But my great passion for fashion and photography in RL made itself felt and I decided to transform it also into a virtual pastime; therefore, I decided to completely change (despite my greatest passion remains the discovery of new lands on SL) and combine the love of virtual photography with fashion avatars on SL.
My partner Guaio Jonstone helped me and encouraged me a lot in this hobby and slowly we created together the "TSC fashion Blog" to help the habitants of second life to find clothes for their avatars, events, accessories, tattoos, accessories for the home but only made by excellent brands that, in our humble opinion, are worth mentioning and sponsoring. I thank to him ‘cause if it hadn't been for Guaio, his love, his precious advice, his patience and his support, I would not have been able to do so many things in both worlds. Furthermore, he supervises all the photos, posts, social networks, brands that we mention and it is thanks to him that small masterpieces come out. Guaio has a purely dark, urban taste and has a predilection for monsters and fantasy. He have an attention to detail that is incredible and manages to find amazing and extremely (well built mesh) objects. He loves that all things well done, does not accept carelessness and is very professional and usually his opinion is the one that most influences our final posts. I can certainly say that when he gives his opinion, he rarely gets it wrong or the job is flawed.
One day talking to two of my great friends (for years on SL - Ketrincover and Queenofthehell, called Rosy) who have always had a passion for virtual fashion, excellent taste and who have always supported and encouraged me in this adventure, I’ve the great idea of ​​asking their to join me in this hobby of “Virtual Blogging” like a bloggers with me and with my great joy they accepted. Since that day our blog has grown exponentially in value and everything has become better thanks to their advice, experience and PATIENCE with me. Now even the time in Second Life flows more pleasantly and carefree thanks to their company and constant help.
Give me the opportunity to introduce you to the rest of the staff as well:
Queenofthehell resident is an EXCEPTIONAL person in both worlds, my sister and my great advisor, not just for blogging, but for life in general. her professionalism, elegant and often gothic taste give that "noir" touch to our works. He have a spasmodic attention to detail and combinations made each photo of great taste and class. Very helpful with everything related to Fantasy and Goth, but also very versatile in cute and romantic photos with her sweet features and her gentle ways.
Ketrincover resident is my niece, a true hurricane of sweetness and sympathy. Her sparkling style and knowledge of brands are fundamental for the choice of brands and for the “lush” combinations of the photos. Estimator of colors and all that light and fantasy. Her advice is essential for photos that need a particular sprint, all without neglecting elegance and romance. Ket is a star that shines and her sunny character means that it always manages to be the light and the bubbles of our posts.
After a time, I was lucky enough to find another dear friend / brother, model for several brands on SL and exceptional singer in SL and RL. Darkmauros Turbo which has become the last element we are lucky enough to have on our staff. His advice, his experience, his impeccable taste and his avatar that he made with attention to detail, have brought that imprint that was needed to be of 360 ° help to those who need advice on elegant men's fashion (Instead, contact Guaio Jonstone for all this which is Goth, Monster and Scary).
So, I’ve introduced you the whole TSC fashion Blog team, I can only say thank to each of them for the invaluable help, patience and pleasant time we are able to spend together in the clippings from the RL. We are friends, a family and a close-knit and harmonious group, now rare think both in reality and on the metaverse.
Now that you know us all you just have to follow us on all our channels and support us even with just a like or a comment, we will be grateful. For all designers interested in our work you can contact me Exedra resident or one of us (your choice, for our is the same). We are available for photos, videos and anything else that is beautiful, interesting and at fair prices for the inhabitants of SL, so we are at your disposal. We point out that we do not accept linden or payments with real money, we do not want to earn, for us it is only the pleasure of blogging the beauty of Second Life.
A hug to everyone from the staff of the TSC Fashion Blog