Credits 4 HER:
Today I want to start by introducing you to a young and very talented creator, as well as my friend, who made the bullet holes on my head and chest and the scratches and bruises on my face.
Bullet holes created by PANTHER TATTOO -Gunshot Wound
Scratches and bruises created by PANTHER TATTOO - Beat Face
Outfit by Wicca's Originals - Wicca's Wardrobe - Rosemary [White/White]
Pose by [CW] Store - [C] Survivors - Couple Pose
Stethoscope by Ϯ OutRAGEouS Ϯ - [CX] Vicious Vaccine - Stethoscope - Iridescent 3
Scissors by LUX AETERNA - [Macabre Machinamentum] Scissors (Gold Ed. Gift)
Boots by Miss Chelsea - Eira Boots Maitreya Bloody
Panther Tattoo & Clothing
Credits 4 HIM
Hotdog creatred this jacket - Slim double breasted
Gloves by ContraptioN - Dapper Dandy's Gloves
Pants by Tableau Vivant ~ Leather skinnies