Hair by Tram - J0513b hair
Mask by [LECASTLE] - Doomsday Gas Mask
Top by eXxEsS - Top No.1
Eyeliner by JINX - Glare Eyeliner [EvoX]
Lashes by * TentatioN * - Lashes #4 - EVO.X/EVO @ORSY EVENT
Eyes by * TentatioN * - EYES #3 - MESH EYES & EVO/EVO X
Backdrop by PALETO - South Platform
Pose by MILA POSES - Bento Portrait
✔ Head by Lelutka Evox – Avalon
✔ Body by Maitreya - Lara
✔ For collaborations with the TSC staff, send IM to Exedra Resident